Support the Homelessness Prevention Grant Program

Since 2001, HCA has provided emergency financial support to Arlington households struggling with housing crises, and who are at risk of becoming homeless. These families are dealing with divorce, job loss, illness, domestic violence, death, health matters or other situations that drain energy and income.

HCA’s Homelessness Prevention Grant Program supports back rent, or security deposit or moving expenses for a new home. It gives families time to get back on their feet, and it is an irreplaceable safety net for households in crisis.

In the last year we have seen a big jump in the need for this program. Inflation, job losses, and the end of COVID-era benefits in 2023 means that many families are facing increasingly tough times.

To contribute, please send your check to:

Housing Corporation of Arlington, 252 Mass Avenue, Arlington, MA 02474

Or, use the form below. Pick “Homelessness Prevention Grants” for Donation Purpose